End-Use Energy Consumption – IAE 2020

In the quest for a carbon neutral future, renewable energies thrust the spotlight. At the French level, ambitious programs are set in place, for massive offshore development or a renewing of the nuclear facilities.

For renewable heat supply, a mere €2.6 Bn of subsidies are provided through the “Fonds Chaleur”. A drop in the ocean, when you know that heat accounts for not less than 50% of the global end-use of energy in the world. Fatal heat reusing and renewable heat sourcing are, hence, two important vectors to consider to reduce our dependency to fossil fuels.

Decarbonated heat can find a place in every sector, from heavy industrial factories to residential use. However, heat installations, like any infrastructure projects, are CAPEX intensive and require a tremendous support from both the public and private sectors.

Andera Infra, through its investment in Kyotherm, is an outspoken support for this sector, where solutions, decarbonation and profitability coexist.

Written by Pierre Flin

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